If you're looking for a publishing company to publish your book, poetry, or
story, then you've come to the right place! firstwriter.com is a site
dedicated to getting writers into print with the "write" publisher
for them.
firstwriter.com includes all kinds of resources to help creative writing of
all types find its proper home.
To find a publisher interested in
publishing your book or other writing
visit our main site.
Here are some tips included on the site:
All too often, potentially brilliant
pieces are discarded simply because they appear amateurish,
all for the sake of a little time and effort spent getting the details
right - don't let your manuscript be one of those!
- Don't let your work down with silly errors.
Typing errors and poorly thought out sentence construction might
make an editor laugh but they won't make them accept your work.
Spell checkers won't pick up on common mistakes like there / their
or your / you're, and grammar checkers won't help you with issues
like which quotation marks to use when, and how to punctuate around
brackets. The key message is to always have your work
proof-read by a professional. Editors are trained to pick out
little mistakes that most people wouldn't even recognise, so this is
imperative in order to get your work up to their standards. For
details of available proof reading services (and some hilarious
misprints demonstrating the dangers of not proof reading)
- Due to the volume of submissions editors
receive it is rare to get detailed feedback on your work, but
without feedback you can't learn what editors are looking for and
how to get your work published - this is the problem which leads to
so many potential writers spending their whole lives writing
aimlessly, going round in circles, piling up the rejections and
never learning how to make that crucial breakthrough. To avoid this you can submit your work to editors for
critical appraisals of your work. They'll give you handy hints and
tips, proof read your work, and point you in the right direction at
the same time. It doesn't cost the Earth, but it could be the
difference between getting published and not!
Style is a very subjective thing, and
what works for one person won't necessarily for another, but there are
nevertheless a few basic, general rules you can adhere to in order to
make your writing that little bit more editor-friendly.
- Adjectives: a dead giveaway for amateur
writing is that there are always far too many adjectives. A door is
never simply 'a door', but always 'a big, imposing, rust-ridden
door'. A good exercise is to go through your work and strip out all
the adjectives, then set yourself a quota (say two adjectives per
page). You'll find that by thinking so carefully about each
adjective you'll make much better use of them, and the rest of the
text, once simplified by the removal of excess adjectives, will flow
much better. The overall result will seem far more professional, and
will be far more likely to be accepted by an editor.
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